Another controversial holiday for Christians? Or is it?

There are many good things and not so good things about Black Friday. For who doesn’t like a good bargain … even Christians.

There are however some good reasons that some Christians have expressed concern about the holiday including:

  • we automatically forget about Thanksgiving;
  • we can be tempted to greed or storing up things for ourselves;
  • we can be distracted from the beginning of Christmas celebrations;
  • we may be sending a bad message to those less fortunate than ourselves

You can read a much better explanation of the concerns about Black Friday here, in an article by Megan Bailey, at One concern we have about too much debate about Black Friday is that it is very easy for our hearts to slip in to judging others, for what they did or didn’t buy. It is another great example for which Proverbs 4:23 is relevant.

So should you enjoy Black Friday or avoid it? We are sorry to disappoint you but if you came to a site called Christian Funny Pictures expecting to find well grounded Biblical advice on some of life’s big or not so big issues, then you may be looking in the wrong place. Paul Tripp, Pastor and author has a good article about “The Original Black Friday“, which may help in that department (pardon the pun). We are going to stick with what we do best, so here are 11 Christian Funny Pictures about Black Friday.

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